Comparing YL Sleep Solutions

When it comes to sleep, do you wish you had more quality hours of rest per night? Do you wake up tired, or need 3 cups of coffee to get you going in the morning? How about that slump in energy partway through the afternoon? The quality of sleep you get at night literally effects all 24 hours in your day.

I know for a fact that sleep is one of the necessities of life that I do not skimp on. I’m an 8 hour a night kind of gal. If I can get more, I will.

If you’re like, “I wish I could just get 4-6 good hours of sleep per night”, then we need to talk!

Likewise, if you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep, there are a few leading causes for the “wide eyed 3am-ers”.

Sleep deprivation is a crisis in America. Whether poor sleep is a result of long working hours, stress, anxiety, or being a parent with young children, the struggle is real. Over time, signs of sleep deprivation can become more serious and can increase your likelihood of stroke, depression, and automobile accidents.[1] Lack of sleep leads to less productive work hours, the need for a midday nap, and pure crankiness. Think “unexplainable mood swings”. Yes, those ugly, moody hours of the day could be brought on by a lack of sleep, as well as things like poor nutrition and hormonal imbalance.

So I’m here to bring solutions!

During the 27 years of using Young Living’s products, I’ve discovered several things that work for me and even more things that have worked really well for my clients.

Young Living has a wide variety of essential oils, oil blends and supplement products that support a good night sleep. Today I’m going to narrow it down and mention the top four, along with their uses.

Before we get started, I want you to keep in mind any family members and friends who come to mind. You just never know how big of a blessing can be by sharing simple solutions. Getting a good night sleep and being able to wind down and relax are truly game-changers.

Here we go . . .


Try taking 1–2 softgels 30–60 minutes before bedtime and you’ll notice a difference in how easy it is to fall asleep and enjoy deep rest.

SleepEssence combines Lavender, Vetiver, Valerian, and Ruta essential oils, as well as 3.2mg of the hormone melatonin — a well-known sleep aid.

Item # 4760

$28.50 Wholesale


This chewable tablet is specifically formulated to provide immune system support and sleep support when combined with a healthy lifestyle and adequate sleep*.

This power-packed formula combines naturally derived immune-supporting Ningxia wolfberry polysaccharides with a unique blend of reishi, maitake, and agaricus blazei mushroom powders. It also delivers 4.0 mg of melatonin, which encourages restful sleep by promoting the body’s natural sleep rhythm*.

Item # 3213

$39.25 Wholesale


Roll on SleepyIze to breathe in the sweetly calming properties of Lavender, plus Geranium and Roman Chamomile. Apply this peaceful blend on the bottoms of your feet, nape, or chest as part of naptime or bedtime.

SleepyIze combines the naturally calming aromas of select botanicals to create a serene atmosphere and an aroma that helps you or your child unwind at the end of the day, making for less fuss before bed.

Although this blend is part of the children’s KidScents line, it works just as great for adults as well. You can choose the roll on version or bottle depending your choice of application.

Roll On (10 ml): Item # 32636 $31.25 Wholesale

Bottle (5 ml): Item # 5307 $19.50 Wholesale

KidScents Unwind

Imagine unwinding and entering into a restful mood during the day or at night. KidScents Unwind is specially formulated to help children settle down and reduce restlessness even when energy is high. Unwind helps with occasional sleeplessness and even reduce occasional irritability and stress.

This supplement is also great for adults and is especially easy to travel with when you’re on the go. It uses the calming ingredients of including L-theanine, 5-HTP, and magnesium to promote a restful, relaxed state.

Item # 32540


All The Facts . . .

Below are a few comparisons between products and ingredients that I think you’ll find helpful.


Practical Sleep Help

In addition to trying the above products, there are several practical things you can do to prepare for sleep.

  • exercise during the day

  • eat three nutritious meals

  • drink half your bodyweight in water and limit sweet drinks, soda, carbonated drinks

  • create an alkaline environment in your body vs acidic

  • turn off electronics - cell phone, computer, TV

  • silence phone and set phone display to night time mode (yellow light is better than blue light for relaxation)

  • take a bubble bath with epsom salt and essential oils

  • don't talk to your spouse about sensitive subject - like money

  • dim the lights, enhance the atmosphere with candlelight

  • play peaceful music

  • read a book (printed book rather than electronic)

  • journal

  • pray and meditate

  • write down the things you’re grateful for

Let’s Connect

I hope this blog was a help to you. Please share it with family and friends who need help in this area.

If you need help ordering, give me a call at 833-357-5777. I’d love to be your go-to gal and support you along your journey of health. We can also do a 30 minute wellness consultation to talk about your overall health goals.

Stay tuned by coming back to my blog on a weekly basis for great health and lifestyle education.


Elizabeth Rose


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