All About The Men

With Father’s Day right around the corner, you may be thinking of something special to give the man in your life. Today I’m going to cover a wide variety of products from Young Living that are specifically for men. Whether you’re looking for a natural chemical-free solution for cologne, or you’re looking for a more targeted approach to hormone support and enhancing romance, here are some gift ideas.

First, let me start by saying that not all “natural products” are created equally, and not all companies have a level of quality standards that match their marketing. Thankfully, Young Living Essential Oils has proven over the past 28 years to live up to their Seed To Seal quality standards and excel in customer satisfaction.

Check out some of the strict guidelines Young Living abides by to fulfill their promise in sending only the best products to your home.

  • plant material that is grown on corporately-owned farms or carefully vetted partner farms (that you CAN visit!)

  • sustainable farming and sourcing practices, providing the purest oil

  • great care taken to preserve and protect natural resources

  • hand-weeded fields and ZERO use of pesticides

  • oils that retain all their natural constituents and beneficial properties

  • use of food-grade distillers with state-of-the-art design and distillation methods

  • low pressure and low temperature distillation, without the use of solvents or synthetic chemicals

  • rigorous testing on each batch by internal labs and third-party facilities

  • oils that are carefully reviewed through every step of production in order to meet or exceed industry safety and purity standards (beyond organic!)

And the best part . . . if the oils do not meet these high standards they are rejected and will not be bottled as a Young Living product. Check out more info on their Seed to Seal promise at

Throughout this blog, I will make suggestions for supplements that will support balanced hormones and their complementary oils. Before we dive into specifics, let's talk about usage and safety.

For Supplements: Follow the directions on each individual supplement package for proper safety and usage.

For Oils:

  1. When in doubt, dilute with a carrier like V-6 or coconut oil.

  2. Do not put them directly in your eyes or ears.

  3. Start with a small amount of drops and work up if desired.

Three ways to use essential oils: topically, aromatically, and internally

The solid-colored labels have aromatic and topical directions on them. The labels that are white are from the Vitality Line and have dietary instructions on the labels.

  1. Topically: Dilute with a carrier oil like V6 from Young Living, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, etc. Apply to wrists, neck, feet, spine, etc.

  2. Aromatically: Use in the diffuser or put on your hands and inhale.

  3. Internally: Add to a vegetable capsule; add to food or drinks.

Let’s dive into a little education here first, before I share about a few products specifically formulated for men.

Your endocrine system consists of all the glands in your body that produce hormones, including the thyroid, pancreas, and for men (the testes).

Hormones are chemical messengers in your body that regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, and mood, among other things. These messengers are produced by the glands and secreted directly into the circulatory system so that homeostasis (balance) is maintained.

When our hormones are out of balance, it can contribute to migraines, insomnia, weak bones, weight gain, mood swings, infertility, and low libido, to name a few. We may not be able to handle stress as well either. Over time, these hormone imbalances can lead to rapid aging and increased risk of disease.

Your body is constantly trying to keep your system in balance but it’s no small task. Things like stress, insufficient diets, poor food choices, inadequate sleep, synthetic hormones, genetics, and less active lifestyles can throw hormones out of whack and create health problems. But there is good news! Young Living has products to support your body in this delicate balancing act!


This supplement really is the Jack of all trades. It’s perfect for when your guy is ready to have the energy and stamina to complete a tough workout or chase your kids around with their endless energy! These little pills pack a lot of punch. They are formulated with powerful plants from around the world that are known to help increase muscle mass and strength with physical activity and they also promote recovery after those tough workouts.*

This supplement also increases the ability to concentrate, think clearly, and stay alert.

Want it to do more? OK! It helps the body cope with stress, feel more balanced and calm, and relax more efficiently. It also contains antioxidants and other immune-supporting ingredients!

PowerGize is specially formulated for men. It’s infused with Blue Spruce, Goldenrod, and Cassia essential oils, to increase your body’s ability to absorb it by 80% (compared to 30% absorption in generic store supplements) and support the male reproductive system. It also contains Eurycoma longifolia, which supports healthy testosterone levels.

Usage: Take 2 capsules daily.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.

Prostate Health

Young Living’s Prostate Health does exactly what it says. It supports normal prostate function. If your doctor hasn’t told you yet, EVERY man needs to support his prostate.

This supplement also supports the entire male glandular system. Prostate Health is an essential oil supplement featuring powerful saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oils—ingredients known to support a healthy prostate gland. It is a proprietary blend of pure Geranium, Fennel, Myrtle, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oils.

These essential oils not only increase bioavailability but also provide the body support in maintaining a healthy urinary tract which is linked to better prostate function and health!

USAGE: Take 1 liquid capsule two times daily.

For maximum benefit, Prostate Health should be taken consistently over time.

Prostate Health contains the following essential oils:

Geranium encourages emotional balance and healthy skin.

Lavender provides nervous and cardiovascular systems support and aids in emotional balance and healthy skin.

Fennel provides digestive and hormonal system support.

Myrtle supports the digestive, hormonal, and respiratory systems as well as promoting healthy muscles and bones.

Peppermint offers digestive support by promoting healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal comfort and soothing. It is supportive to the nervous and respiratory systems and encourages healthy muscles, bones, and skin.

PD 80/20

This supplement replaces two hormones that every man NEEDS (Pregnenolone and DHEA) to produce testosterone, progesterone, cortisol, estrogen, and other hormones. As men age, they produce less and less of these two hormones which will, in turn, produce less of the other hormones and cause some not so good things to happen.

Would you like a little more info and explanation about what these hormones do and how they affect the body? Keep on reading.

This supplement contains an 80/20 blend of Pregnenolone and DHEA, two hormones needed to create a ton of other hormones. As a man gets older and these hormones decline, it is important to replace them so that other health issues don’t arise.

These hormones support healthy adrenal glands.

They are the glands that are located on top of each kidney. The hormones that they produce help to regulate your blood sugar and your blood pressure. They help your body burn fat and use protein. They also release cortisol, your stress hormone.

By supporting these glands, you’re supporting your overall cardiovascular health, your metabolism, weight management, and your body’s ability to manage stress, which is directly linked to your body’s ability to fight bacteria and other infections - i.e. our immune system! Not to mention your libido: low DHEA and pregnenolone can mean low testosterone, which means low sex drive!

Lastly, pregnenolone is also linked to brain function; particularly the memory. As with everything, correlation is not causation, but is it possible that less pregnenolone might be implicated in age-related memory decline. Faster learning, better memory, and mental acuity sound like wins in my book!

As you can see, if you don’t have an adequate supply of these hormones, it’s not a good situation.

Usage: Start with 1 capsule per day, then increase to 2 capsules per day as needed.


Even if you know nothing about the human body, you probably are aware that the thyroid is a very important gland that has a lot to do with hormones and if it is out of whack, then the entire body gets out of whack.

If you really have no idea what the thyroid is or does, it is a gland that regulates body metabolism, energy, and body temperature. It controls calorie burning and even heart rate. As you can see, it is important that it functions optimally and this one is SO important for when a person is trying to maintain a healthy weight!

As a guy, thyroid issues can also manifest themselves in some specific ways. Here are some tell tell symptoms: balding/hair loss, lower sex drive, decreased testosterone levels (not feeling like your macho self), or loss of muscle mass and/or strength. A man can also be feeling tired, struggling with brain fog, weight gain, or chills. Or maybe it's the opposite and they feel anxious, sweaty and on edge.

Thyromin™ is a perfectly balanced formula to help maximize a man’s nutritional support for healthy thyroid function. This supplement contains iodine, porcine glandular extracts, L'Cysteine & L-Cystine and a supportive blend of essential oils. It’s everything the body needs to support metabolism and thyroid along with an active lifestyle of course!

It contains four essential oils that help increase the body’s ability to absorb the supplement.

Essential Oils in Thyromin

Spearmint may help calm occasional upset stomach and provide digestive system support as well as respiratory support.

Peppermint provides digestive support by supporting healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal comfort and soothing. It also supports the nervous and respiratory systems & healthy muscles, bones & skin.

Myrtle is supportive of the respiratory system and promotes healthy skin and hair. It has been researched for its effects on glandular imbalances.

Myrrh is a very powerful antioxidant and may support healthy skin.

Now that you’ve seen how powerful Young Living’s essential oil-infused supplements are, let’s dive into a few great essential oils and oil blends for men.


Shutran Essential Oil Blend is a blend of exotic and rare oils that harmonizes male and female energy but in a different way than the single oil of Ylang Ylang.

Have you ever heard of pheromones? Pheromones are behavior-altering agents. They are unlike most other hormones. They are ectohormones - which means they act outside the body of the individual that is secreting them and impact the behavior of ANOTHER individual and can induce activity such as sexual arousal.

SAY WHAT? Basically, you can lure someone in and get them aroused with your scent. (PS, I highly recommend it be your spouse and not a stranger at the bar.)

The chemical constituents in Shutran were made for a man to wear to attract a woman!

Men, can wear it every day like cologne to boost confidence or put it on the forearms, shaft, and inner thighs. Dilute with V-6 mixing oil if needed.


Case in point. It’s an oil for the bedroom. Yup, you heard me. Just say that name slowly as two words and you will understand.

It’s going to help a man achieve and maintain what he need and wants in the bedroom. Nothin’ like some good circulation to get the mood just right.

How to use: Dilute with a carrier oil. You or your significant other can massage on lower abdomen, inner thighs, or even on testes - just avoid the urethra opening. You will SEE (wink wink) and feel the results!


It has been used to balance both male and female emotions. Any guys reading this, don’t go all BRO on me and act like you don’t have a sensitive side.

This can help you and your other half achieve a state of harmony.  Like Yin and Yang. It helps you to release the negative emotions of anger, possessiveness, or low self-esteem, and it nourishes the positive emotions like confidence, self-love, and awareness.

This is one that is also good in the bedroom. It is one of the most powerful aphrodisiac oils around. It’s also found in both Joy and Sensation blends, two favorites for making you feel happy and help get you in the mood.

How to use: Diffuse a few drops when needed or dilute with a carrier oil and place over your heart and on your inner thighs.

Here are a few more powerhouse oils to consider for the man in your life.


Mister, Mister! This oil was originally formulated for you to help balance the male energies. It balances emotions and promotes relaxation and mental clarity.

Find peace and calm throughout your day by applying a drop to your wrists or ankles in the morning before you leave for work!

If you need a little boost in the libido department, then this one is a must-have. Apply this oil to your ankles and front and back pubic bones (pelvic area) when you need a boost.


Check out some popular uses.

Peppermint Vitality Essential oil:

  • Put a drop on your tongue for fresh breath.

  • Add a drop in your NingXia Red before a big meal to support your digestive system.

  • This is the perfect complement to the Prostate Health supplement. Just a few drops a day can help support the prostate and help promote healthy sexual function.

  • Add a drop in your water bottle before you work out to stay cool, refreshed, and motivated.


Diffusing can help bring you focus, a sense of calm, well-being, and invigoration. Rub on your temples for the relief of occasional head tension.


A single oil that is good for promoting balance. A complement to any of the hormone-focused supplements we covered in this class.

Apply a drop or two to your throat and mid-back daily.

Diffuse for a calming fresh herbaceous scent.

I hope these are beneficial gift ideas for your man. And ps, they work well all year!

If you need any help ordering, please call me at 833-357-5777. If you’re a brand new Young Living product user then use my member number (992365) upon checking out when it asks “who referred you”. This way we will stay connected and I will be your go-to for all things essential oils, health and wellness.


Elizabeth Rose


Toxin Free Summer Skincare


Essential Oils For Your First Aid Kit